Emil Levo
Emil Levo
Game Programmer
Computational Physicist (PhD)
About Me
I'm a twenty-something year old computational physicist turned game programmer, living in Helsinki, Finland.
Currently working at Heroic Games as a game programmer, and studying game design and development at Aalto University. Before that I worked as a computational
physicist, researching nuclear reactor materials. My main interests are gameplay programming and graphics, but
I'm also interested in the design and narrative aspect of games. I get my biggest kicks in work from solving hard problems.
Besides all that, I'm a dude who likes to play games, go to the gym, and socialize. I also have a healthy obsession with
kitchen gardening and baking bread. Oh, and did I tell you I have a dream of founding a winery and writing a book?
Tools: Unity, Unreal Engine, distributed supercomputing (CSC), data visualization (OVITO), molecular dynamics simulation (PARCAS, LAMMPS).
Programming Languages: C#, C++, Python, Bash, Fortran.
Online CV Download CV
Contact Me
Email: emil.levo@outlook.com